How electric vehicles save the environment?
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How electric vehicles save the environment?

Electric vehicles (EVs) and their manufacture have lately emerged as the current trend in the automobile industry, with a slew of well-known and praised automakers jumping on board, including Tesla, Nissan, Chevrolet, Hyundai, Kia, and a slew of others. Even luxury companies such as Audi, Porsche, and BMW have embraced the trend and have lately launched electric vehicles.

Given the rising popularity of electric cars, is it possible that gas and diesel-powered vehicles could become extinct in a few decades?

What is an electric vehicle, how electric cars work?

Rather of being powered by gasoline, electric cars are propelled by an electric motor. The electric motor gets its power from a controller that adjusts the amount of power according on how hard the driver presses the accelerator pedal. Rechargeable batteries power the electric vehicles. These batteries can also be utilized to power other components of the vehicle, such as the lights and wipers.

Conventional vehicles, on the other hand, use gasoline or diesel engines to power them. Electric cars, however, are not all created equal. Vehicles that are classified as “plug-in hybrids” have a gasoline or diesel engine as well as an electric motor. Other electric cars, on the other hand, run entirely on electricity and do not need any liquid fuels. These are what are known as “battery-electric” vehicles. The conversion of hydrogen gas into energy powers electric motors in some EVs, notably “hydrogen fuel cell” cars.

Electric vehicles as a source of environmental benefit

A controversy has erupted in the automotive industry about how beneficial electric vehicles are to the environment and if they are truly improving the environment at the cost of their incurred pricing. So, let’s have a look at some of the most important advantages of electric cars on the environment.

Zero emissions tailpipe

The most significant advantage of electric vehicle is the contribution they can make to improving air quality in cities. Pure electric cars create no carbon dioxide emissions when driving since they do not have a tailpipe. This significantly minimizes air pollution. The fact that electric vehicles create low tailpipe emissions is the most important element that makes them an asset. Driving an electric vehicle produces significantly less emissions than driving a gasoline or diesel vehicle. EVs emit far less emission during their lifetime than cars powered by fossil fuels, regardless of the source of energy.

As electric vehicles (EVs) become more common and their manufacture becomes more ubiquitous, battery recycling has the potential to become more efficient, lowering the requirement for fresh material extraction and so reducing the reliance on mining and the creation of new batteries.

Even when electric vehicles are fueled by coal, they result in reduced total emissions. Electric automobiles have resulted in a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in coal-dependent countries like China. Clean energy sources allow EVs to be even greener in nations that rely even less on fossil fuels.

Well to wheel emission

ICE vehicles pollute the environment in more ways than just the emissions from their tailpipes. Extracting oil, refining it into gasoline, and distributing it to gas stations all contribute to a significant quantity of pollution in the atmosphere. These emissions are referred to as “well-to-wheel” or “upstream” emissions. Despite the fact that current ICE manufacturers have reduced CO2 emissions, the production process still has a negative environmental impact.

While electric vehicles have no direct exhaust emissions, they still require a significant amount of energy to manufacture. The emissions produced during the manufacture of an electric cars are often higher than those produced during the production of a conventional car. This is primarily due to the production of lithium-ion batteries, which are an essential component of an electric vehicle.

Batteries are the biggest emitter

According to statistics from an ICCT study, the energy needed to manufacture an electric car accounts for more than a third of the car’s lifetime CO2 emissions. Electric vehicle batteries are made from scarce minerals such as lithium, cobalt, manganese, and nickel, which must be mined and processed before the battery can be made. Electric vehicles run on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. The manufacturing of those batteries consumes a lot of energy, from mining raw materials like cobalt and lithium through manufacture in gigafactories and transportation. It’s one of the main sources of carbon emissions from electric vehicles today.

Environmentally friendly materials are used by EV producers

One of the biggest challenges for EV producers is creating a car that is both practical and lightweight. Lighter electric vehicles offer a longer range and a lower carbon impact, but conventional materials make this challenging. Recycled and organic materials, on the other hand, are now on level with traditional materials. They’re light, eco-friendly, powerful, and long-lasting.

Recycling and organic materials not only help you lose weight, but they’re also healthier for the environment. It is unsustainable and polluting to use new materials such as metals and polymers. The use of all-natural or recycled components reduces the environmental effect of the EV manufacturing process both during and after production.

Different types or kinds of electric vehicles

Electric vehicles are divided into categories based on their reliance on electricity as a power source. EVs are now classified into three categories.

  • Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are entirely powered by rechargeable batterie. BEVs, sometimes known as ‘plug-in’ EVs, get their electricity from an external electrical charging outlet. They are powered by electricity and do not have a gasoline engine, fuel tank, or exhaust pipe.
  • Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) or extended-range electric vehicles use a combination of fuel and electricity to achieve their range. They feature externally charged batteries as well as regenerative braking capabilities. A gas engine is also used in PHEVs to increase the vehicle’s range and recharge the battery.
  • Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are also powered by both gasoline and electricity. They vary from PHEVs in that they charge their batteries only through regenerative braking. When driving, these EVs use their electric motor, which is supplemented by the gasoline engine as needed by changes in load or speed.


I’ll sum up this post by saying that, while electric vehicles have several problems, their usage might prove to be a valuable asset in the fight against climate change. How valuable an asset depends heavily on the type of vehicle and the source of power.
This article explains how EVs benefit the environment and what obstacles they face in the future. For more blogs on Analytics, Do visit blog

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